Sunday, March 19, 2017

Blog 6- Cellphone Radiation

Just about everyone you probably know has a cell phone these days. People tend to be attached to their phones and sucked into what they have to offer. The current generation of teenagers and young adults are the first to be growing up with cell phones. They will be the generation that tells us what health affects cellphones bring to humans. It makes people stop and think about how much everyday we are exposed to cellphones and radiation. Many people spend hours and hours on their cellphone pressed against their temple.

Picture of people attached involved in their cellphones. 

According to the CDC, cellphones do give off radiation. The radiation is not the same time of radiation that we think of. It is radio frequency radiation and is different from x-ray radiation. Since cellphones are a newer technology, studies are being done to see the health affects of this radiation. These studies will not be accurate or prove anything until scientists have years of these studies under their belt.

A picture of cellphone radiation.

It is suspected that cellphone radiation can increase the risk of cancer. We hold our cellphones very close to our head for hours at a time while talking. When holding a cellphone the radio frequency radiation does cause heating to a certain part of the body where you are holding it. It is also suspected according to NIH (National Cancer Institute), that it can effect glucose metabolism. These studies are inconsistent though because of lack of evidence in variety. It is suspected that where you put your cellphone on your body can effect that area. Say you store your cellphone on your hip, your pelvis area can weaken. It also is known for bone density to weaken. An increased risk of tumors is also known.

According to Time, wifi is not as much of worry as cellphone radiation. Wifi is a much lower radiation then radio frequency that is cellphones. EMF's stand for electromagnetic fields. They are invisible forces that go from a device to another device. There are two types of EMF's-low and high frequency. Low frequency is from appliances such as microwave and cellphones. High frequency are TV antennas and radio antennas. 

A picture of how what devices give off EMF. 

With all this being said, there are many ways to limit radiation exposure. One of the ways is using a headset or ear buds. This avoids the cellphone being pressed up against your head. Another way is too keep your phone out of your pocket. Keeping the phone in a purse or outer extremity is better than having it close up to your body. Avoid cellphone exposure with children. Children are developing and have a thinner skull then adults. Children are at the most risk with health issues because they are growing. Talking on the phone while driving is always a danger no matter what. It is also a danger because when you are driving you are jumping from tower to tower which exposes to more and more radiation.

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